torsdag den 14. november 2013

The Windows are now Installed!

We now have all windows and outdoor doors Installed! It really starts to look like a house!
We can now soon start to dry out all the moisture inside so the indoor plastering can be done.
We are still missing the top layer on the roof and a bit of the outdoor plastering, but it should be also be done soon if the weather stays reasonable!

fredag den 8. november 2013

Roof and outside plastering

It has been raining ALOT the last 4-5 weeks, which has made it hard to have progress on the outside of the house. But we finally have most of the plastering done, and most of the house now like nice and white.
The top isolation and button roof-cardboard are also on so no more rain will enter the house through the roofs.

Next up is the windows and the last part of the outdoor plastering before we can dry out the inside and start there...