onsdag den 5. marts 2014

A lot of things are happening these days. There is almost every craft working on the house at the moment finishing installations, painting, cleaning etc.

On the outside we finished the tiles for the patio, walking path and parking. It looks awesome!
The rest has been level and cleaned up and is almost ready for planting grass.

We can't wait to move in!

søndag den 23. februar 2014

Floors are Done and Stairs Installed

More progess! Things are going fast now!. the Stairs that HPH has made is just awesome! It is now installed and almost ready for being walked on!.

The concrete floors are also done and are looking awesome!
Painting has also begun.

lørdag den 15. februar 2014

We are having great progress on the house these days. All the walls have been plastered in the inside and the work on concrete floor has started. When the floor is done painting, kitchen bathroom etc all can be installed! We still need to finish a few things on the outside and "fix" the issues caused by all the rain in the autumn, but we are finally getting closer to a move in date and things are really looking awesome!